Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Scary thoughts . . .

Probably not coherent but as I was swinging my life away on the back porch, which I love to do, I was thinking that between Google, Twitter, Facebook and all the other poppycock people are turning to for knowledge we are a dying Universe. It’s scary to me that perhaps no one takes the time to look at the sources of the materials they choose to read and believe! I really think that many people get their education through the media - all sorts of media. This is topsy-turvy. I am appalled that even the little ones in school watch and supposedly learn with videos. I’ve seen children acting out some of the ridiculous ideas that are portrayed and they think they’re so cute and cool. It’s not cute; it’s sad because they will never be able to interact with others if this is where they get most of their learning. I’ve seen Moms and Dads with kids in tow and the parents are so busy with their phones and apps they do not take time to make sure the children are careful and polite at all times. But they will stop and take photos of whatever shenanigans the kids are up to and post it right then and there while crossing the street! I know, I know I exaggerate a lot! I don’t think ‘polite’ exists any more - it seems to be noise, looking good so others will notice, making a big deal of yourself. Wow, how did we get so self-centered that we don’t realize it is happening to us? We accept the status quo. I think I would gladly help anyone who could turn off all screens on all of the gadgets in the world and make people listen, learn, love, appreciate what came before the computer age took over. I would keep the computers that work for us ie those that keep trains, planes, boats, hospitals, Doctors’ offices , policemen, firemen safe and those that regulate heat and cold in our homes and businesses but I think that would be it. We need people to work at being human again! ( Yes, it’s a rather crazy rant but perhaps I’ll be able to put what I’d like to say in a better way if I take the time to read some philosophy and just sit quietly in my porch swing and ponder. Getting away from idiot screens for a while would be a good start! )

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