On the back porch, swinging away and absolutely enjoying life at this moment, I think I should choose to be an angel in the hereafter. I believe that Higgs Boson would allow me that privilege. I’m not even close to perfection; as a matter of fact that might not be much fun! Life is to be learned as you grow. Not sure how long I shall be growing but I hope when the time comes I will be ready to speak with the Chief Architect of this small world and convince Him that I am ready for the new journey to earn my wings! I figure that Higgs Boson has much to do as He may be daring enough to try to make another world and He will certainly need some help in getting it right or at least a bit better than our Earth World. The Earth is a true marvel in all aspects: rivers, mountains, solar system, Milky Way, jungles, deserts, oceans, lakes, seasons, stars, all creatures great and small, flowers, trees, fields and intelligent beings that have the capacity for so much good yet often choose evil. Perhaps with the help of those who have left this Earth to join the Lord of All as He attempts to create another world where human beings will still have free choice but angels will be allowed to guide them to choose love, honor, respect, honesty, kindness, knowledge, labor, pleasure and yet retain their individuality and allow for differences of every kind in the New World without recourse to physical or mental force against others which creates chaos, this New World would be pretty close to perfection (there is no perfection) but pretty close. Life would be a series of endeavors at enjoyment, companionship, intrigue, work, discernment, love, commitment, learning, beauty, sharing, laughter and of course a superior Harvey’s Bristol Cream to keep the new world mellow! Ah, there it is. All figured out! I do love you so, my Higgs Boson and my Loves. Being an angel, though I couldn't be perfect,
comme Maman disait, 'Old stick in the mud, we wouldn’t want more than one Irène, or David, or Pauline or Rose or Joe!' and since Little Louise is already an angel, I will be in luck as she’s been helping the Lord of All to get that New World in proper order until the rest of us get there to help out, that is, if we should choose to be angels!
Quote: When the heart is light with hope, all pleases; nothing comes amiss. ___Rogers
Quote: All other knowledge is hurtful to him who has not honesty and good-nature. ___Montaigne