Older brother called this morning and he passed his stress test with flying colors. The cardiologist told him he could go back to working out at the gym, his regular routine. It seems that the amount of tea he was drinking caused his heart to have irregular beats. So he's going to go from drinking about 10 or more cups of fresh, loose leaf tea a day to two. Sounds about right to me! Wow, that was a lot of tea drinking!
Felt so hyped up this morning with this bright sunshine that I washed some windows, scrubbed the bathroom immaculate and invited Puppy's Pop to walk to Baker's Dozen for a cup of Java. Not even a slight twinge in this old body. How great that is! Had to talk Puppy's Pop into putting up the ladder so I could get out my hammock swing. He doesn't come even close to liking sunny, windy weather if it is below 70 degrees! No clue how nice it feels to swing your life away! Got to tell you, it is shear wonderment! Pure, unadulterated pleasure for all senses. Yes, you can taste the clean, fresh, dry air. Feel the warmth of the sun as the wind bursts rock you. What a feast!
Spent yesterday afternoon in Groton because Richoni's had the riggers from EB for a party and the Daytona 500 was supposed to be run. We had a good time, Kiddo on his mighty scooter and I walking along. After lunch at the bar we also played indoor soccer and I won! Now that is an improvement. Big brother came home for 3 and I was on my way back to Moosup. It's so good to feel like I'm 35 years old again. Of course looking like it is another matter! I even made cookies Saturday !
Quote: Life is a series of surprises. We do not guess to-day the mood, the pleasure, the power of to-morrow, when we are building up our being. ___Emerson
Quote: Life is a series of surprises. We do not guess to-day the mood, the pleasure, the power of to-morrow, when we are building up our being. ___Emerson
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