Thursday, February 9, 2012

Home again, home again, jiggedy, jig . . .

Well, that was interesting. Started out at WW Backus Hospital Tuesday morning for a look see at my heart and ended up at Yale New Haven where Dr. Cabin et al inserted a Xience V Everolimus Eluting Coronary Stent somewhere around the upper, right heart chamber. Puppy's Pop picked me up yesterday at 10:30 in the morning. And here I am home again, home again, jiggedy jig. Wow, this is impressive stuff.

The only thing on the agenda for today is "nothing." I'll read two days of the Bulletin. Don't ask me why. It's one of my bad habits. Then I'll work on the hateful puzzle, listen to my audio book, read and perhaps work on the ridiculous cross stitch pattern I had bought for Agnès. That is so much very tedious work. Now I understand why she had never started it! And I'll walk, walk, and walk again around the house like MaTante used to do. Monday I'll be back driving the Élantra. Yay!

Quote: The first indication of domestic happiness is the love of one's home. ___Montlosier

Quote: The first sure symptom of a mind in health, is rest of heart, and pleasure felt at home. __Young

Quote: Home is the sphere of harmony and peace. The spot where angels find a resting place, when bearing blessings they descend to earth. __S.J. Hale

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