Saturday, June 8, 2013

Out with the old . . .

The roses that oldest Kiddo planted near the garage many moons ago is now in bloom near the porch.
Can't believe that this old house will sooner rather than later have the new gas boiler connected for the heat and hot water. It's pretty miraculous that we no longer have the big old Stewart Warner or the 175 gallon oil tank in the basement or as Mama would say, "Dans la cave!" I do recall mushrooms growing at the bottom of the rotting wooden stairs when I was a kid. So it really was a cave! We will probably get Ricky D. to cement the old, porous red bricks behind where the oil tank was. Many of them are greatly deteriorated. I guess that's understandable for 200 year old hand made bricks but I don't like to see the red dust on the floor! That wall is made of bricks and horizontal pieces of two by fours? Just plain odd and scary looking to me. The dehumidifier we've been running for a number of years has probably helped to keep them somewhat intact.

Played MouseTrap with Kiddo this weekend and managed to win three out of eight games. It's fun if you can follow the rules! Man he likes to turn the crank to let the Rube Goldbergesque trap fall. It is quite ingenious. As I recall our kids never really played it properly either! They just liked to set the trap in motion! He's still very enthused about our solar system and asked if he could read to me. That's was very cool. He did get the most points possible for his school project. He followed all directions to the letter and was so proud of his work.

 Spent a good week before the rains came visiting brothers and younger sister. We'll be off to Carmichaels, PA for a few days of big time control line flying:  not participating but will certainly enjoy the ride and the overnights.

Quote:  Music, in the best sense, does not require novelty; nay, the older it is, and the more we are accustomed to it, the greater its effect.   ___Goethe

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