Monday, October 5, 2015

Almost hate to write anything . . .

I am amazed at how well I feel. I even asked P&D's Pop if he agreed that I am so much better than I was before the heart surgery and he agreed. He wasn't trying to make me feel good. It's the truth. It's almost scary to feel so spritely and gaie! I seem to remember old stuff as if I had never dragged it out before. I'm happier, laugh easily and of course life is still a pain in the dérrière at times but I seem to be able to roll right along in fifth gear. My hair feels nice, my skin is tighter and I have more energy than I've felt in a very long time. I guess it's amazing what your body can accomplish when your heart is pumping that oxygen up to your brain and all over hell and damnation. I almost feel like a new person although I know I'm still me but it's the me that had the dreams and appreciation for all that my family gave me, the me that was thrilled when P&D's Pop came home from Vietnam and we married soon after his return in a quiet ceremony that was what our lives would always be, quiet, unassuming and in some ways daring. I will end this note with a fact: I love this man of mine, the father of three excellent, loving, caring kids and Grampa to our Kiddo. Thank you Ma, Pa, Louise, Pépère, MaTante, Gram, Angie and Mary. Lord always give us the strength to do what we must. Amen.

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