Monday, September 19, 2016

Experimenting . . .

Lord, it is beautiful here.
I'm so tired of not hearing well that I asked P&D's Pop to set up his old hearing aids for me. I know they're not made for my hearing loss but I've got to try something so I'm not always saying "Huh? Excuse me? I can't hear." That takes all the fun out of conversations, I'll tell you that. So I'm going to try to wear them everyday for a week or so and try to get used to all the sounds I can now hear such as the closing of cabinets, my own self talking, P&D's Pop's voice louder than I'm accustomed to. I think it will make a difference and then if I like the sound enhancers I'll ask my old primary care nurse practitioner to give me the name of a good audiologist. Who knows what this expense could be? So I want to make sure that if we buy these things I will use them daily just as I wear my glasses. I was so frustrated at church Sunday because we had a guest priest and he read a letter from an elderly man caring for his wife in their home as the flood waters rose. But I missed so much of what was read I almost wanted to stomp out and blame the priest for not speaking up and I do believe he may have been miced (hard C!) So we'll see how this turns out.

Found another breakfast place closer to home than I thought. There is a Cracker Barrel even closer than Frank's on Airline. It's hard to realize that it's there because you only see it as you take the exit and since you are exiting I12 you're certainly not looking to your right on the exit in a leisurely fashion; you're gripping the wheel with deadly strength as you merge onto Airline North no looking allowed except ahead and to your left! I don't usually care for Cracker Barrels but I really hadn't been to one for breakfast except last weekend with Big Kiddo and wifey so this was pretty good; still as expensive as IHOP but if they improve the strength of their coffee it may do. We really will probably go to James's Restaurant more often and although there is no ambience ( no one there would even think to apply that word to James's) the food is good, plain and cheap. $12 as opposed to $20.

We went for a walk in the neighborhood last evening and spoke with Mr. Wally our former early morning runner whose home was flooded. He is slowly getting it back into shape with the help of his sons but he must wait for the sheetrock to come in - if I understood him correctly (I didn't have my ears on!) there is a six week wait for delivery! Wow - living in this flooded area is painful for most.

Quote:  The king-becoming graces are justice, verity, temperance, stableness, bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness, devotion, patience, courage, fortitude.    ____Shakespeare

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