Friday, September 16, 2016

Haven't been feeling quite up to snuff . . .

I've been dragging butt for a bit and I'm not sure why - maybe a summer bug or a little bit depressed. I think it's a combination of both. I was looking forward to helping out at the Early Learning Center at Immaculate Conception but they don't know when they'll reopen so today I went to Livingston Parish Public Schools Center in Livingston where I was fingerprinted so I can help out in the schools in Denham Springs. It was an interesting process which started with a lot of phone calls and messages left but ended up just perfect today. Livingston Parish does not have volunteers and I was asked to be a sub. I explained that I didn't want to be a sub just a plain volunteer for the lower elementary levels. It took the assistant superintendent to come up with a way to do that. I was signed up as a volunteer coach! Instead of the usual $55 fee a sub must pay to get fingerprinted I was only charged $10. The fingerprinting is done digitally and was pretty cool. ( A sub will get $45 returned to them after they have subbed for 10 days - that's rather interesting. I guess some people may put in to be subs and then be so choosy they never get to work. Qui sait?) Whatever the case may be Mr. P gave me the name of the principal at the school he thought was most in need of help. It's only a few very curvy, narrow miles away on Brown Road. Since it did not get flooded it is being used by two schools and so they are in double sessions. I called the principal to offer my services but had to leave a message with one of the schools' secretaries. I hope she'll call back and allow me to help out. I mentioned Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10am to 1pm so we'll see what happens. Even the secretary asked me if I was planning to sub! They really aren't used to volunteers - that must be a Catholic school thing!

For whatever reason I feel better now that I've gotten helping out with the kiddos underway. I'll probably need lots of patience again. I remember how long it took Immaculate Conception to allow me to help out.

We finally got our wills taken care of. I was a bit displeased because a couple of the sheets of paper on the original wills are wrinkled but our poor Attorney, Ivy, has had to use another Attorney's office and the printer was acting up a lot. We needed the originals and three other copies for the big kids and the finicky printer did not cooperate so we have some wrinkles but they are valid wrinkles! Have been watching a few Louisiana Public Television specials as they raise money for flood victims. We both found them interesting as they were about the history of the Créoles and the 'Cajuns. What an extraordinary history exists in this watery, beautiful, plentiful, hot state.

Quote:  Adversity borrows its sharpest sting from our impatience.   ___Bp. Horne

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