Saturday, December 24, 2016

Getting curiouser and curiouser . . . (I wrote this and forgot to post!!!)

Gotta say that I'm feeling fine but . . . I went to the eye Doctor last Wednesday just to get my yearly checkup since I hadn't been since last September in Connecticut. Had a nice young new Doctor who said my dry eye was getting quite bad so he started me on Restasis. Now Restasis costs about $10 a tiny vial and you need to use two a day - let that sink in. Okay since I reached my out of pocket deductible months ago my insurances picked up the entire tab for, fais attention a 90, yes, 90 day supply. ( I do not know what kind of deal the insurances have with the company that makes Restasis.) Well I won't go into the details of what happened to my eyes, in particular my right eye when I could not reach either the eye doctor's office or my primary care's office on the weekend. But yesterday at 3pm one of the eye doctor's squeezed me in and (probably guessed it by now) I had a very bad allergic reaction to Restasis. So . . . I am now on Prednisolone four times a day blah, blah, blah until January 2. The moral of this short, uncomfortable, painful story is ? Perhaps a doctor should not order a ninety day supply of medication until he knows you will not have an allergic reaction?

Okay, other than that snafu all is well in Louisiana where we can stay warm without resorting to heating the house, wearing boots, mittens and toques. It is 70 degrees as I write this overcast morning. Of course this will not last but warm is good. We both like being warm.We went to our Tuesday morning breakfast at James' Grill and the same well dressed elderly gentleman who gave me a rose the first time we ate at James' gave me one today. Yes, we do like it here.

Quote:  Good nature is the very air of a good mind; the sign of a large and generous soul, and the peculiar soil in which virtue prospers. _____Goodman

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