Thursday, July 25, 2013

Better stay home today . . .

Liberals on the loose cause havoc. No other explanation for my close encounter with idiocy. I left Big Y in Plainfield and stopped at the red light before making a right turn onto the 395N entrance. There was a 150 size red truck with backup lights on 1/4 of the way up the entrance. That made me nervous so I decided to wait and see what he was going to do. He started to back down the entrance and I figured he'd back up in front of me and then go straight when the light turned green. Nope. He backed across four lanes of traffic and headed in the opposite direction. Where do these dopes come from? I swear to Higgs Boson they are obamaites. What else can explain the sheer, unadulterated egos of this ubiquitous cohort of asses?

On a good note, literally, went to a stupendous version of Hello Dolly at Goodspeed with Oneco friend,  her daughter and daughter's friend. I laughed so hard it was almost embarrassing but to heck with embarrassment. Decidedly enjoyed the play and the company. The actors at Goodspeed always seem to put everything they have into a performance and when you have great lines and music it makes théâtre one of the wonders of humanity. Also visited younger sister Wednesday and we split the wins in cribbage. She will be off this week end for a good stay with her family in Maine. Looking forward to hearing about her adventures when we get together in two weeks. Got to keep Kiddo an extra night and two extra days this week. That's always a good time. Bartender problems are certainly a pain in the derrière! Puppies and Dante's Pop had a good day yesterday when he accompanied Oneco friend to Epping, NH for Test and Tune.  To spite the liberals we're still enjoying ourselves!

Quote:  The highest triumph of art, is the truest presentation of nature.   ___N.P. Willis

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