Sunday, February 15, 2015

Can't believe it . . .

Not the photo I meant to put here but what the heck.  It's okay. A Northern  Flicker enjoying the suet a few weeks ago.
It just dawned on me; I never went out of the house today. I can't remember when I haven't at least gone out to feed the birds, empty the garbage or just gone  out for a breath of fresh air. I did go out three times yesterday to keep the snow under control so P&D's Pop, whose back is acting up pretty fiercely, could use the snow blower today. He scraped the last of the snow off of the driveway before he used the snow blower to get the mail box and the driveway. He tried to get it done before the winds took over but I watched him and it was miserable going. Thank goodness he didn't try for the paths it was bad enough with what he did get done. Between the both of us I guess we equal one able bodied person! I can't lift the snow but I can push it because it it light and then Grampa can use the blower to get it out of the way. The benches near the horseshoe pits are almost covered. We can't see the horseshoe stakes at all and the raspberries are at least halfway obliterated. This is a hell of a lot of snow, believe you me (as Ma used to say!) it is now 12 degrees at 6pm. About the same as it's been all day. Yesterday it was eight below in the morning and never got above 17 degrees all day. The house is staying pretty darned comfortable. We've been keeping the thermostat at 70 during the day, 71 in the evening and 68 at night. It works out well. Grampa has also managed to plug up most of the drafts with a type of seal and peel. It has done a tremendous job for the old windows.

We had home made beef stroganoff for our Valentine's Day dinner last night and peanut butter brownies. We will go out for a more formal dinner some day this week, weather permitting. Need a Black Russian and some Beer with dinner for a change! Kiddo was here Friday into Saturday and we had a great time. I got him some new flannel sheets for his bed and he really liked them. He and his Mom will be going snow tubing at Yawgoog Valley tomorrow. They'll have to dress up really well as I think the high will only be in the teens again. I'll try to get my food shopping done before the next snow on Tuesday. The schools have Monday and Tuesday off this week for Presidents' Day. I hope numb nuts doesn't think that the day is to honor him! What a gross idea. That it even popped into my head is disgusting. If we make it to 2016 without getting hit again by the Islamists it'll be pure luck. I don't think we've ever had this much of a dithering idiot for president although Carter was certainly another lame brain. Well, I'd better stop before I go on a rant just because I mentioned Presidents' Day!

Quote:  There is nothing seems so like an honest man as an artful knave.   ___C. Simmons

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