Sunday, October 22, 2017

À la recherche de mon enfance . . .

I really wanted to put A la recherche du temps perdu because that is one of my favorite books but that would be stealing! I should reread Marcel Proust in French because that's the only way to appreciate the beauty of his evocative prose - it's more than poetry, more than art. It grabs you and won't let go. Even after all these years I still feel the sensations recalling at will his written images. Perhaps that is why all sorts of memories keep flooding my brain. One of P&D's Pop's friends and his wife stopped in last week and she always marvels at the little tatted bureau scarves ( don't know what else to call them) on the marble counter. I showed her the wonderful picture my Pépère made for me when I was about five years old and she was amazed. I explained to Cathy that I believe the reason I feel so comfortable and at home in Louisiana is because I brought all of my old stuff with me! ( even P&D's Pop!) I remember Pépé using a drawing from a coloring book to make the design on a piece of cloth and then he embroidered the outlines of the bears and used water colors from our kids' paint set to put in some color. I may have already spoken of this but he also made me a stuffed camel. He drew the camel that was on his cigarette pack onto some cardboard and then wrapped it in brown string and yarn. It even had eyes, a nose and a saddle! How I wish my older sister had also managed to find that too. I think I may have worn it out! She sent me the picture along with Pépé's clock when my older brother was visiting her and he brought it to Moosup for me. Well, I call it Pépé's clock but it may have been my mother's! All I know is that I do not like the sound of clocks ticking but we have the clock right here in the living room as I type and I can't hear it but it is working! I grew up with it for so many years that it doesn't bother me. I'm sure I'd miss it now that P&D's Pop has it working so well. It is the only clock in the whole wide world that ticks and I don't notice it. If I hear ticking clocks I want to silence them even if it means smashing them. That's how strong my dislike is for listening to time marching on!


Nan said...


Qu'que chose said...

Moosup memories are the best!