Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Just cooling off . . . blood pressure coming down . . .

Don't even know where to begin - we are still having problems with ADT the security company. It goes back to last year when I wanted the system that was already set up in the house to be activated. I never realized that the two men who came here were not really from ADT. They explained that they were going to put in a different system from what was already here as they couldn't use what was installed blah, blah, blah . . . Needless to say we've have difficulties and because I signed a contract on the technician's iPad where he was actually tapping the screen for me we are stuck. To shorten this diatribe suffice it to say that after two sets of letters explaining all of the problems have been sent to  corporate in Colorado,one last March and one last week, we're still having problems. I called a number I found on line for ADT that didn't look like their usual number where you rarely can get a person unless you want to buy a new system.For the second time in two weeks I explained I wanted out of the contract and she got me in touch with another lady. The second lady seemed nice but couldn't find our contract so I waited patiently as she fumbled around and when she came back she said she had it. So I asked her to make sure the certified letter some one from ADT  Corporate in Aurora, CO had signed for yesterday was in my records. She said she would look and proceeded to hang up on me. Just as I thought I was getting somewhere! So I called the same number I had found on line and this time a youngish sounding man spoke with me. I explained all that had happened and he said over and over again that I had signed the contract and no one would let me cancel it with out paying 70% of the balance. I also asked why my bill had gone up $3 and he said it was in the contract that after a year they can raise your rates. As I became more and more upset and he just kept repeating the same thing even stating that a manager would not allow me to break the contract without paying the 70% which would be about $450 he said, exasperated "What do you want me to do?" I told him to get me the CEO! He said he couldn't do that. So I told him okay then get me a manager. He did. And I'm pleased to say that Miss Betty was on top of everything - she took the extra $3 a month off of the bill; she took the $3.00 a month we were paying for the fob we were told not to use ( the men who put in the system said they had given it to me!) She knew that we had a technician coming out tomorrow between noon and five so she asked me to give them one more try and if I wanted to I could call her next week when she'll be back in the office and cancel the contract at no extra cost to me. Phew - she also explained that she was giving me two months credit so I could keep the system for another two months at no charge and then cancel it! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get anything done when you know that a company has not fulfilled their contract? It's a miracle when you can even get someone on the phone who has any clout what so ever in the company. So we'll see what happens next. There's still a part of me that wants the system working but I'm so pissed off that I may just call it quits. That's it for now.

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