First rate glorious day . . . we've already had a good breakfast at James' Grill in old Denham Springs, gone to Livingston to vote early, found out where to go for concealed weapon permit and classes, picked up a box and packed it to send off to middle child with all things MaTante Rose and gotten P&D's Pop off to South Park as I head out to get a haircut, mail the package and pick up some more beautiful gourds for my front porch basket. Fall in Louisiana is pretty near perfection.
Took a break from writing to walk my four circles around the neighborhood and got a phone call from Kiddo that he needed us to help with a homework assignment. That was pretty neat. His Dad, P&D's Pop and I used FaceTime to explain to him some old slang expressions. His teacher said the kids had to talk to some older folks - 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's! Hell that makes me feel young. He's looking and sounding so fine - I think 13 years old agrees with him. He also seems more out going - perhaps the new school is a very good thing for him.
Just finished eating supper and it was pretty darned good - roast pork surrounded by little gold potatoes and onions with only salt and pepper for seasoning cooked together in the oven at 350 degrees - with tossed salad and applesauce as a side it was a mini feast. No special dessert but I do have Blue Bell Vanilla Cups topped with either chocolate, coffee or blackberry sauce. Fantastique.
I may return to my blog more often - uncertain about that. I like Facebook but get annoyed with it and myself at times. This seems like a more comfortable outlet for my daily love or dislike of life! I tend to be more hyper than beat down - as a matter of fact I have never felt beaten just aggravated. C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas? À toute à l'heure. Heck, my French is as rusty as the devil. Peut être je vais essayer d'écrire en français quelque fois. Ce sera bon pour la tête et le cœur. Bunny day!
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