Friday, April 12, 2013

Finally made an appointment . . .

Rufous-sided Towhee visited the feeders yesterday. Haven't seen one in quite a while.
Decided I can't stand this whatever cough thingy any more so I'll go to see Jessica at her new digs on Case Street. I might as well include her in the routine checkups that seem to pop up at this time of year! Don't want her to feel neglected. Spent Tuesday and Thursday cleaning out sticks, poison ivy, and other noxious plants near the spring. What a monster chore. There are a lot of fallen branches and rotten logs too! I only managed to get as far as the ice age boulders but it's looking pretty good. Of course this is early and the stuff hasn't really started to grow yet. So far just one spot of poison ivy on my inner wrist. Puppies and Dante's Pop went out and got me a nice big bottle of Tecnu! I was well dressed but those branches and vines can sneak in on you. I threw all of my clothes including my sneakers and leather gloves into the wash yesterday and did it on hot with a double rinse. Think I'll quit this job for now and when the weather allows just pick up all of the stuff I've thrown on the lawn and chuck it over the wall. Visited Matante Blanche's property a couple of days ago. It's really getting beautifully landscaped. Third Cousine said they'd help clean up on our side of the wall that goes up to the old well. In exchange we're giving her rocks that are piled up near the spring. Now that is a win-win situation!

Visited with younger sister at Meadowbrook Wednesday. Stinker that she is she wiped me out at cribbage! We had a good visit. We even went to the second floor and put together all of the edges of a German Shepard puzzle but it was too warm to stay and work on it so we came back down and went for a stroll in the courtyard. Very nice visit.

We're thinking of getting a new furnace. Ours is only about 60 years old but it's getting a bit cranky. If we can manage it in this old house we will probably convert to natural gas. The line goes by the house. We're waiting for calls from Yankee Gas and the plumber. I hope this all works out for the best. It sounds like a good idea at this time.

Southern Family has welcomed Taylor, a very beautiful baby boy into the family. All are thrilled. Not sure if I'll get a chance to hold him on our next jaunt. He lives in Tennessee.  I do miss rocking babies! There should always be babies available to rock! That is a heavenly thought. Makes me smile. Kiddo sat on my lap last week. I hate to see him getting so grown up. Eight more inches and he'll be taller than I. Good grief. The time is slipping by.

Quote:  I like the laughter that opens the lips and the heart, that shows at the same time pearls and the soul.  ___Victor Hugo

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