Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tired . . .

A place to hang out and contemplate the world.
The vinca are starting to look pretty good.  Trying for a good ground-cover up on the hill.
The throw away daffies now blooming on the hill!  Yay!
Tired of the social media politics; tired of the journalists and their politics; tired of the asininity of the social elites. This is war, no matter who they declare perpetrated the Boston Massacre. We will talk and pontificate and we will still be vulnerable because there is evil in this world and we don't attack it in the small ways that count the most. I can't even go on a rant. I am drained by the nonsensical  rhetoric and the monstrosity of evil people. Depending on who is caught someone will defend them and like Bill Ayers they will be considered conscientious terrorists. I quit.

Was going to see younger sister today but a cold has taken hold of me so I'm going to lay low. Younger brother and his wife will visit her. I'm sure it'll be a great day for them. The weather is fine and dandy! I needed help to finish the clean up I started near the spring. Can't believe I tried to do so much. Have to remember that I'm over 40! Puppies and Dante's Pop cleared out the mess I had raked and thrown in wild abandon on the lawn. The spot looks good. Hoping Kiddo will be able to play around the rocks one of these days. Neat place for contemplating the world from above.

My newest gardenia is in bloom again. I really love to see it healthy. Matante Rose and Matante Blanche would laugh at me for showing so much concern for a plant! Looks like youngest will be coming home for a visit in September. That is the best news! Well time to work out with the Wii Fitness Coach. I've been lax the last few days. Am black and blue from playing baseball with Kiddo and his friends. I pitch a whiffle ball but boy can he hit that sucker. I'm not always fast enough to get out of the way of the grounders! My right shin looks ugly as sin!

Quote:  This is the course of every evil deed, that, propagating still it brings forth evil.  __Coleridge

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