Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bummer . . .

Lots of Juncos
That'll take the wind out of your sails! Drove to Groton expecting to have dental work done to replace an old crown that is acting up and I couldn't have the procedure. Have to wait at least six months after having had the stent renewed in November so that will bring us into May and then still must take antibiotics and not go off of the Effient. I should have realized that I had a potential problem but I am feeling so well that I forgot all about the stupid new stent. Yuck. I felt badly for Dr. Mackey because that was a lost appointment for her. To cheer myself up, I hate dental appointments and having geared myself up for it and having it cancelled was a big time drag, I found a Dairy Queen that was open all year round and had myself a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard with extra Peanut Butter Cup in Chocolate! Must say that tasted great and perked me up. I did need that. It's only 17 degrees in the sun but I relished every bite as I soaked up the sunshine in the parking lot on Route 82 in Norwich and listened to the radio. So the day was not a total waste. Wish I had bought a large Blizzard.

Seems as if our taxes are ready for filing. Big Louisiana Kiddo, home because of icing, freezing conditions in the South has helped out and run the numbers for us. It's a good thing he helps because I had forgotten a few bucks here and there and he found them for us. So that is the plus for today. If I were a drinking woman I would have a few drinks about now and call it quits for the day!

Quote:   Let parents who hate their offspring rear them to hate labor and to inherit riches, and before long they will be stung by  every vice, wracked by its poison, and damned by its penalty.  ___H. W. Beecher

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