Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Enjoying the down time . . .

Middle child needed some help this evening because they had to go to a wake so our British sojourner and I are spending a few hours with Kiddo. It is so cool to hear them in his room as she seems to be directing him on an X-box game. I'm sitting on the couch in the living room enjoying them enjoying each other. That's pretty neat.

We've had a busy, happy, fulfilling week with visits from the oldest and youngest  Big Kids.  The middle Big Kid came with Kiddo and Dad for lunch Sunday. I figure it has been at least nine years since we've all been together in our old house. That doesn't seem possible but time is fleeting. I'm so happy we've had them home for a while. We're fortunate that the middle Big Kid doesn't live far away. We haven't done anything extraordinary this week - just enjoying the good company.

Our son has returned to Louisiana and our youngest daughter will return to England Friday. We miss the physical presence of our three Roses but know they are happy in their lives. We can't want more than that.

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