Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sweet walk . . .

Thank you note from a Romanian artist.  I've bought some of her hand made cards on Etsy.
After bringing Kiddo home and stopping for coffee and muffins at the Roadside we came home to bright sunshine, and some muddy lawn as the January thaw has come to this old house. P&D's Pop got to washing the Elantra and I decided to go for a walk up the street.  It was just a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  I walked into the wind but it pushed be back home so all in all I felt great being out side.  Haven't walked out of doors since November when I first felt the effects of the crazy first stent not working properly.  Now I'm back in better shape than ever. That is just so nice.  Somehow I feel like I've reached 39 years and holding.  It's a good feeling.

Kiddo was able to go sledding on the hill yesterday, late afternoon but the snow is now receding at a faster pace.  The horseshoe pits are almost bare and the big rock is showing through.  It feels good.  Can't believe that I like seeing the muddy, ugly lawn.  I've just put extra towels by the door so we can wipe our shoes clean before tracking the slop in the house.  It works.  After the sliding our Kooky Kiddo decided we should play badminton - badminton in 35 degree, windy conditions!  And so we did.  I froze for about a half hour before I gave up and we came in for our weekly concert.  He did a great job and as usual I was smiling when he ended the concert.  As I told him, "Imagine what you could do if you practiced."  All he said was, "You're funny, Memere."  I did say to him as some point, "I know I'm a pain in the butt sometimes."  And he said, "Yep, you're worse than Grampa."  He makes me laugh.  Grampa gets a kick out of him too.  Kiddo doesn't even get upset when he gets beaten on the Wii games anymore!  Must be growing up.

Oneco friends stopped by this week and brought us a tripod they no longer needed and a beautiful handmade pottery cookie jar from Mexico.  It looks perfect on the pink marble top. I'll be able to use the tripod when oldest Kiddo lets me borrow his camera with the telephoto lenses.  Should be fun.

Quote:  Leave but a kiss in the cup, and I'll not look for wine.   ____Ben Jonson
 (I don't think I've ever seen or heard this quote properly.  Neat thought.)

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