Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Couldn't stand myself so P&D's Pop took me for a ride . . .

Just the best ride in ages . . . we drove into Rhode Island on the old dirt roads that meet at the Connecticut line in Oneco and we were reliving ages past. As we drove by Great Grandpa Rose's old homestead P&D's Pop told me a story. His grand father's father had a bull grazing out in a field separated by a gate from the neighbor's bull out grazing in his very own field. Great grandpa wondered what would happen if the two bulls got together so he worked on the gate a little, climbed up a tree and watched the ensuing mayhem. Great grandpa Rose's bull gored the neighbor's bull to death. It seems no one ever figured out how they ended up in the same pasture. I think there must be a lesson here somewhere: sneaky Roses? always figuring out interesting ways to do things? letting imagination go live? Creative play?

We continued on into the woods and byways ending up on Hell Hollow Road in Connecticut. I really needed the outing as I try to get over this left side set back that I seem to have done to myself. It's so hard to know what I am and am not capable of. I do know that I feel I can do just about anything but I really can't and find it very annoying. But it is more annoying that I can't seem to get a grip on what I can do without hurting myself in the process. Makes a grown woman want to cry. Hell, maybe I'll only feel like 65 when all is said and done!

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