Monday, May 21, 2018

You need lots of light weight clothes or none . . .

Wow. Only going on our third year in south Louisiana and this spring has been brutal. I’m finally learning how to cope with it a little! We were at the park for seven ante meridien when it opened and I didn’t even bother to put on my hearing aids. I like to wear them so I can hear the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees and the squirrels up above but it’s too damn hot and sweaty walking. It was so darned uncomfortable today I didn’t even grab the camera for my second mile because it is a chore just carrying it.  Bien sûr a lovely turtle was walking along the dried out drainage channel looking for cooler and wetter surroundings; I immediately rushed back to the truck for the Z200 and scurried as fast as the heat would allow back to my original sighting. Bien sûr (redundant, I know, I know) he was nowhere to be seen. He was certainly a lot faster than I finding what he was looking for. I think I heard him plop into the water inside of a big drainage pipe. I don’t have the courage to go down and look too closely into those pipes - there must be all sorts of critters I’d rather not encounter up close.

I did manage a few blue jay photos but the sun was in the wrong place for good lighting. When we got home husband and I pretty much had to strip down and change clothes. He gets really hot flying in the sun even though it is early morning. The washing machine gets a lot of abuse.  I may have to buy a lot more shorts, tank tops, sandals and underwear just to be able to go outside and enjoy the beautiful colors and sights of south Louisiana! I may start a puzzle  like I used to do in the freezing cold of northeastern Connecticut.  Down here it's the heat and humidity that sends me scurrying inside! I'm getting there.  One day I'll have it all figured out even if I have to badger husband to play cribbage on the back porch while we drink some White Zinfandel on the rocks!

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