Sunday, July 22, 2018

Best homily in years . . .

I enjoy the peace and quiet calm of Sunday Mass along with the music; it’s always a blessing to sit, relax, take some deep breaths and slowly let whatever stress I allow into my life to disappear. Today a young seminarian, John Vu, who is assigned to our parish for the summer spoke about the parable of the Good Shepherd and he made it his own. He explained how he had thrown out his original homily and worked on today’s version last night. I’m glad he did as he told us how hard a shepherd must work to keep his flock from sneaking away; it's very difficult to get them back to the fold. That shepherd works very hard and is not always successful but he never gives up. Father John (he will be Father John next year) spoke from his heart but more importantly from his surpassing intelligence - there is no guile, no self serving just an honest, sincere young man. I expect he will be able to continue in his honest service to the people because he is a strong individual who seems to think for himself and not be taken in by some of the platitudes we usually hear from the pulpit or in any discussions  with modern day Catholics. I like him! I wish I were better versed in the Bible and knew him well so I could better explain his homily but I felt that he was saying that the sheep aren’t too bright and I must concur! I think that the Good Shepherd has an impossible job! But it makes me smile to know that He never gives up.

It is already 90 degrees out and looking through the kitchen window I can see the breeze working through the branches of the Live Oak and my rainbow spinner is enjoying a ride but if I go out the door the humidity will strike me down! I shall walk in the house today and only water the plants this evening. We'll be leaving shortly to bring puppy pup back home; we are fortunate that son  and his wife are going to have a fish fry! I’ll make certain that I’m starving before we go.

Quote:  Parents who wish to train up their children in the way they should go, must go in the way in which they would have their children go. ____Bacon

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