Sunday, July 15, 2018

Sunday travel in Baton Rouge . . .

Keeping cooling photos on my mind
I’ve decided that since traffic isn’t too bad in the city on Sundays it is a great time to find my way around without dealing with I10. That highway scares the heck out of me; I’m always afraid I’m going to get stuck in a traffic jam from Hell and never make it back home; I’d be like Charlie caught on the MTA ; he never returned! So today I told P&D’s Pop that I was planning a trip to Talbot’s and Whole Foods on Corporate Boulevard just to see if I could get there without going on I10. He offered to drive Miss Irène! Yikes, that’s a lot of stress as Miss Irène is moi and I hadn’t planned to use Waze or any type of GPS; I was just going to wing it! Well, we did okay. Took I12 to Airline North and then a left on to Old Hammond which miraculously turns into Corporate. We were there before Talbot’s opened! Old Hammond has a lot of very fancy, gated communities. I was pretty surprised at how beautiful Baton Rouge can be if you know your way around. I had already ordered what I wanted from Talbot’s on line because the store didn’t  have the t-shirts I wanted so I cajoled my driver into a walk around Whole Foods with me. That was a hoot! Wow! We just looked and were surprised at the people with families eating out while shopping! It’s a big store and very different from Big Y, Rouses or my Neighborhood Walmart but I’m sure it’s not the right shopping experience for us! I may try it once more on my own just for shits and giggles but I think I’ll stick to what I know for the foreseeable future. We left without buying a thing although I must admit that they had the best selection of cards by Papyrus I’ve ever seen in a brick and mortar store. I then coaxed my at this point reluctant driver to find the Barnes &Noble at City Place about a mile away. I was surprised that area has gotten a bit shabby. It looks like older buildings are being torn down and new ones are already shooting up. I don’t think City Place is very old either. We made our way home the same way we got there. I was impressed with how easy it was to find our way but my driver was not impressed. He seems to prefer going on I10. I’m glad that my experiment worked. Now I’ll have to try it out during the week. I also found an easy way to get to the Botanical Gardens so when the weather cools down I have another excursion on tap.

Quote:  There is no impossibility to him who stands prepared to conquer every hazard.  --The fearful are the failing.   __________ Sarah J. Hale

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