Visited with younger sister Monday. Had a quiet and restful lunch and then off to the farm for hot fudge sundaes. Spent time today with an old friend visiting from Costa Rica. We had a delicious lunch at Richoni's before heading back to Canterbury where she had left her car. She has a home in Willimantic which she will be putting on the market before she returns to Costa Rica. I agreed with her that it would be a real hassle to rent her US property when she now lives below the southern border. Too bad the market is so lousy. But if it is priced properly it just may sell quickly. Puppy's Pop is off playing horseshoes and I've just weeded the garden and picked some cukes and squash. I took a picture of a monster tomato but I haven't checked to see if it came out well enough to post! Cousin S the younger gave me four tomato plants when we returned from Louisiana in May. The tomatoes are very tasty and some of them are down right huge.
Expect the stump grinder to be here tomorrow afternoon if the weather is good. We're waiting for hearty storms to show up later this evening. Will pick up our Kiddo tomorrow for his frication. If the young man does come to take out the stumps Kiddo may get a kick out of it.
Quote: The strength of a nation, especially of a republican nation, is in the intelligent and well-ordered homes of the people. ___Mrs. Sigourney (If she is correct we are in serious trouble.)