Kiddo told me all about space suits. He's read National Geographic's Angry Birds in Space! |
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The visit to the New England Air Museum Friday went well. Kiddo and Grampa had a chance to fly on the latest simulators: amazingly realistic, weather and all. When we brought Kiddo home yesterday morning he spent the drive flying the iPad simulator. He's getting pretty good. The weather has been awful for the last few days and today is not an improvement. Guess I'll walk in the house and catch up on my reading and cross stitch. Have given the piano away to younger brother's wife. Once they remove it I'll plan what I want to do in Kiddo's room! Neato!
Quote: Amiable people, though often subject to imposition in their contact with the world, yet radiate so much of sunshine that they are reflected in all appreciative hearts. ___Deulzy