Saturday, November 30, 2013

Making me laugh . . .

Pretty leaves of African Violet given to me by N.
Have been in a foul mood lately but this morning I made some changes to the décor in the kitchen and it just keeps me smiling. I hated to move the ceramic clock that Pam R. made for us years ago because I knew that Puppies and Dante's Pop would get bent out of shape when he went to check the time and the clock was now above the microwave where it used to be umpteen years ago. But I needed to move stuff around because of an oil painting that I had rescued from Gram's. I had it framed and then I had so much trouble finding a place for it. Well the painting is now on the wall above the marble top and  the clock didn't look right next to it. That was the dilemma. So today I spent a lot of time smiling as I was cooking and checking the clock for the time and was constantly looking in the wrong place. I'm probably never going to get in the habit of looking for the clock between the windows!

Puppies and Dante's Pop had to go see the dentist this morning and on his way home he picked up a dozen pink roses and a dozen red roses. They are opening up beautifully. The pinks are on the dining room table and the reds on Grampa Rose's old desk. They're making me smile too. I hope I get over being my miserable self after I see Dr. Foley Monday. Somehow or other I'm miffed about all these 'take it easies' and yet I feel that I shouldn't push too hard until I complete the cardiac rehab once again because I really don't know how I'm supposed to react to this little procedure. I feel certain that I'm fine but there's a little something that's stuck in my brain that isn't comfortable with the new status quo. Oh well, I suppose I'll just out grow that foolishness!

Moosup nephew stopped in yesterday with his two kiddos. He wanted to borrow some tables and chairs. It was really good to see them and have a chance to watch the kids use the RC Flight Simulator. When he returned the tables and chairs today I was able to give him his Christmas Penuche! Can't believe I did that so early! See, I told you I'm out of sorts!

Quote:  "Knowledge, without common sense," says Lee, "is folly; without method, it is waste; without kindness, it is fanaticism; without religion, it is death."  But with common sense, it is wisdom; with method, it is power; with charity, it is beneficence; with religion, it is virtue and life and peace.   ____Farrar.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Proclamation . . .

Feeling rather odd this year for Thanksgiving.  I decided not to bake and I'm feeling guilty!  It's the first time in at least 43 or 44 years that I haven't baked pies for Thanksgiving dinner. Wow. Doesn't seem possible. But with Puppies and Dante's Pop's help we've got the turnip cooked and ready to be warmed up.  Also used a different recipe to get the mashed potatoes ready a day before the feast. Tomorrow we'll only have to make the bread and turkey and, bien sur, pick up the pies and double chocolate mousse cake from The Roadside Diner. Happy Thanksgiving to all and sundry.

Who's going to wave to me now . . .

Puppies and Dante's Pop told me at breakfast that 'Dūggan" aka 'Butch' or Donald has died. Phew, that just takes the wind right out of my sails. Who's going to wave to me now as I sit on my swing to contemplate the world and appreciate all the good things in our lives? I've known Dūggan since Kindergarten and he never stopped teasing until now. Well, perhaps he's messing around with God too! His wife, kids and grand kids will miss him. It seems he died doing what he loved. After shooting a deer he collapsed as he tried to pick up the eight point buck. I'm glad it wasn't one of my crazy deer that got him. Damnation. He has a wonderful family and will be missed.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Not funny Magee . . .

Kiddo's 4D puzzle
Gee, decided to go to an earlier Mass this morning because we plan to go see Ender's Game at the Lisbon Digiplex after noon. I got to the church for 9am and there were no cars so I came home and returned for 9:30. Went in the side door because I didn't want to climb the front stairs. Naturellement when I tried to enter the Mass was already in progress, it started at 9:15, and the doors got stuck. I made so much noise trying to open the door that Father looked as if he was going to stop his sermon to the children and open it for me! Hell's Bells - way to announce that you're late! Putting that aside I was reading the big words on the big screen that is used for the Children's Mass and this is what I read as we prepared for Communion, "Only say the word and I shell be healed." Good gravy, I almost choked. I'm hoping that they have explained to the children at some point that this is an egregious error. Yikes!

The Hyundai had a "something is wrong" light on when I returned from my first church trip and I actually figured out what was wrong correctly! Ta da! The tire pressure was low so Puppies and Dante's Pop fixed it for me out in the 22 degree temperature with bright sun and big cold wind. The house seems to like the new heating system; even the basement is staying warmer than usual with the "radiators" on the return pipes up near the ceiling. That is such a good thing. We should have our former across the street neighbor drop in tomorrow to see about cleaning up the electrical concerns in the basement now that we've moved stuff around. That'll be a good thing. I'm also trying to fix this old iPad on my own. Something is causing it to be squirrely so I'm making sure it's backed up before I clean it out and start over. At this point I'm not sure if I am correct but eventually it'll anger me so much that I'll try anything! I realize that almost 4 years have gone by since we bought it and the technology has changed a lot but we'll see how well I can manage this!

Quote:  The best portraits are those in which there is a slight mixture of caricature.  __Macaulay

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A stent within a stent . . .

Surprisingly the Winter Rye has germinated in these 30 degree temperatures. We finally got some rain Monday and so we have grass! Wonder if the deer will like it?
Good gravy! Crazy world out there. So, Monday Puppies and Dante's Pop drove through big wind and rain to get me to Yale New Haven for 7:30am. By 10:30am I was flat on my back in a hospital room getting better! The doctors added a Medtronic Stent inside of an Xience Stent. Must admit that this is the first day I feel pretty good. One reason this may be so is that I'm finally back to taking my regular set of pills at the right times. At the hospital it seemed rather willy-nilly  so the most important pills I take we're given to me early in the morning Tuesday before I was discharged and I usually take them at 5pm. That meant that I couldn't take them again until Wednesday at 5pm. I don't think my body liked that! But I'm back on schedule and feeling pretty damn good.

We took a ride to Mount Saint Mary's Abbey yesterday and picked up the Christmas Penuche. It really is a pretty ride. I also let the sweetheart Sister talk me into buying a Rum Fruit Cake made by the monks! Now I have to eat it all by myself because Grampa doesn't eat nuts and stuff! So a slice a day after supper will be my routine for 16 days (sixteen servings according to the packaging.) We've decided to order the Thanksgiving desserts from  Roadside Diner and we'll just have to cook the turkey in the oven  and bread in the bread machine next Thursday. Wednesday we'll make the vegetables ahead of time.

Spoke with our youngest yesterday and it seems that she has won a contest and will get a check for £2000. That is so cool. She has Gram Rose's luck. She reminded Dante's Pop that he used to put her name on raffle tickets when he wanted to win something. Cool beansies.

Time to read the paper before my ride gets home.

Quote:  Health is the greatest of all possessions; a pale cobbler is better than a sick king.   ___Bickerstaff

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Oh what a beautiful Nelson Eddy morning . . .

Yes it is. Was awakened by Puppies and Dante's Pop telling me there were two deer in the yard. I immediately sprang into action, flannel nightgown, bare feet and camera in hand to capture the devils as they meandered down from the glacier strewn boulders toward the spring. I think they enjoy taunting me! But come Spring I shall have the last laugh because I have found a malodorous  remedy for their foraging in the garden and on newly planted trees! Yay for moi. I was also able to track down a noisy woodpecker who kept scolding me as I tried to capture him in a photo. He kept circling the dogwood making wise cracks as he maneuvered but I got the brat, not too well, but I did get him. One day I will probably spend the money for a camera with telephoto capabilities but I can't seem to push myself to spend big bucks, at least, not yet.

We took a ride to Brooklyn International Airport and while Grampa got in three flights I managed to walk around the area four times. Still get some pains as I walk the hill the first time but as I continue to walk everything calms down. Will see the Doctor today and feel sure that he'll agree that the cold air is bothering me until I finally warm up. We stopped at the Roadside Diner for gingerbread muffins and coffee. Have to go do a bit of shopping now.

Quote:  The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves. __Goethe

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

This will be pleasant . . .

Ma's hat.  
Just received a phone call that middle child et al are on the way to our house to pick us up and go for an early dinner at Riverview. Yay. That'll be great. We were only going to have left overs! Kiddo played his weekly concert for us Friday night and then, since he didn't want to go to bed found time to play his sax music on the keyboard. He surprised himself with how well he could play the tunes with his right hand. Thought he should tell his music teacher he could give a piano concert too! I did explain that there is also a left hand  part to piano music and he should hold off a bit before giving piano concerts for his sax teacher! He is impressed by what he is able to accomplish with his music and that's really exciting. He's pretty good at keeping the beat and now has about 5 songs in his repertoire. The latest is Jingle Bells which I'm certain will be ready for the Winter Concert at Sacred Heart with the Junior Band. He still cracks me up. It's a lot of fun to listen to him as he is working on getting the nice full sound out of his instrument.

Oops, time to take a ride in the "66 T-Bird.

Quote:  The more you speak of yourself the more you are likely to lie.  ___Zimmermann

Monday, November 4, 2013

Not my most brilliant idea but what the heck . . .

The house in Salmon Falls, NH (now Rollinsford, NH) where The Carons lived before moving to Moosup.  Pa was the only one of 14 children born in the USA.
Puppies Pop and I went to the Sunshine Shop on Maple Street in Danielson to have a painting I saved from the wrecking ball framed properly then we went up 169 for lunch at Java Jive. That place still makes the best Rubens and Egg Salad sandwiches and it's a very pretty ride if your driver doesn't try to take out every kid in khakis crossing the route to get to his fancy pants classes! After we returned I decided that since the sun was so bright, the sky was so blue I really needed to walk outside. Wow, do you have any idea how cold 42 degrees is when the wind is a blowin'? I shall tell you: it is damnably cold especially when you have to carry a steel pipe to protect yourself from the German Shepherds and you're trying to walk as fast as possible to get by the raucous, scary so's and so's. I almost turned back because my lungs didn't seem to like breathing that cold air but I slowed my pace and voilà I made the trip just fine. The dogs only barked at me on the way up from the other side of the street, on the return trip they were inside so I didn't have to cross the road in front of their house. Phew. I worry too much.

Quote:  Clocks will go as they are set; but man, irregular man, is never constant, never certain.   ____Otway

Friday, November 1, 2013

Good thing . . . bad thing . . . Good I guess . . .

Visited younger sister and she had this wonderful photo of Memere and Pepere Caron with Mon oncle Joe circa 1917 in front of the downstairs door to our old home.
Wow, didn't realize when I went upstairs to find my winter hats and mittens that I would end up in the old trunk. It is full of the warm, wool blankets from Peru but for some ungodly reason I decided to pull everything out and check out what was as the bottom. There were two tins that I must have put there years ago. I found letters that MaTante had written to us when we were at Bustin's Island those many years ago. They took my breath away. I also found letters I had written to Puppies and Dante's Pop when he was in Texas training to be a load master in the Air Force. I still haven't gotten my composure back and I have to go to Sacred Heart lunch duty today. Can I have lived so long that my memories are crystal clear and remind me that we have had the best people in our lives? Even if our lives ended today we've seen so many good, kind, strong loving people that our lives would be complete. When our kids have time to think back to their younger days they will be able to smile with wonderment that they knew and were greatly loved by such personable good people.

Went to see The Most Happy Fella Wednesday with three wonderful women. What a treat to be with them. I did not know the play at all and I really like that because it leaves me free to decide what I think without resorting to what others may have written or said. The singing was top notch. I got the feeling that we were actually seeing an opera. I didn't realize that it really had been written pretty much as an opera to be produced with a full orchestra but that the writer was forced to change his ideas and introduce more dialogue. Goodspeed's production was excellent.

Quote:  Without hearts there is no home.   ___Byron