Sunday, July 23, 2017

Fruit Delight . . .

Wanted something sweet for after dinner and had no idea what.  We don't keep sweets in the house but I was determined to have something sweet. Yesterday I also went through a sweet kick and ended up looking in the cupboard where I found raisins, bittersweet chocolate chips and pecans; put together these made a tasty snack but I didn't want that today. I remembered an easy dessert Wendel Davis, a friend and teacher at KHS back in the good old days,  made using a can of fruit cocktail. Sure enough I dug it out and we had ourselves a marvelous warm super sweet delicious dessert covered with whipped cream; didn't even have to go to the store. A la recherche du temps perdu is always fun. I had to smile when I remembered the special days at KHS where teachers and local businesses gave demonstrations of different types of jobs. Mr. Davis loved to cook and I, not loving to cook, ended up helping out in the motorcycle demonstration with D&S Cycles from Willimantic. Those were the days, my friend. Oh shitski, I'm getting nostalgic.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Maybe some day . . .

Little Blue Heron eating a Mud Bug
A lovely new young friend invited us to her home for this evening but it didn't pan out; I expect it will one of these days. She and her husband and two year old live in DS and what she'd like us to see is the sunset on the lake from her back porch and she thought P&D's Pop could fly in the field near their home. That was really thoughtful but I had to explain that P&D's Pop flies control line not radio controlled models. I'll have to give them a holler when we go to South Park in the Fall and the weather is a bit cooler than now.  I must admit that the heat and humidity have been oppressive and onerous lately but it still works out okay because I end up walking in the air conditioned house! 

Had a neat day at the Early Leaning Center yesterday when I ended up being assigned to a class with one teacher and 8 two year olds. Oh my, two years old isn't very old! After lunch I ended up sitting on the floor next to seven of the little tykes and helping them fall asleep by rubbing their backs - come to think of it maybe that's why my back is bothering me a bit today - it was easier to crawl over to each one than to get up and walk over to them - very small classroom! But it was so much fun as they seemed to enjoy holding my hand and walking with me in the shade out in the playground - I had to keep them from stealing my hands from which ever child had gotten hold of me.  It was a bit odd but kids are funny like that; I guess possessive is the word. Today I was back with the three and four year olds; they are pretty sophisticated in comparison. The only caveat I gave the director of the Center is that I don't change diapers and that worked out fine because most of the kids are potty trained. Besides the teacher said she always takes care of business so for that reason I have agreed to help out with the 2's whenever necessary. 

Not sure what's gotten into me today but I have hunger pangs!  I've already devoured a few handfuls of raisins, pecans and bitter sweet dark chocolate bits. Since I don't keep candy in the house I had to make do with what I could find in the pantry! Now I feel like Moosup popcorn. Hells' bells!

Quote:  Tact comes as much from goodness of heart as from fineness of taste.  __Endymion

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Absolute first . . .

Natural Glitter
I bought a membership in PARDS (Parks and Recreation Denham Springs) and today I signed in and used the Olympic Pool. I've never been in a pool of that size before; it's amazing. The water was a bit too warm for my liking but for $30 a month I have access to the pool, the air conditioned gym, fitness classes and every exercise/weight machine imaginable.  I doubt I'll use anything but the pool but when Kiddo comes for a stay we'll definitely have some stuff to do inside since it'll be hotter than blue blazes (that's really hotter than hell.) I was surprised how tiring it was to try and swim laps. I've never been a good swimmer but I stayed in the water for 45 minutes although I was not extremely active. I'll have to try to go at least twice a week and perhaps get into a swimming class or two so I do swim properly. I was just dubbing around. My strongest stroke is the side stroke and I'm not sure if I do that correctly. I did find that walking in the pool is work! That surprised me. There seems to be tide!

Went to see the eye doctor for a check up on my dry eye and I'm doing great - so another medical AOK. Life is running along at full speed. Since I can't wear the Fitbit in the water I'll probably force myself to also get in some steps on pool days. I stopped and splurged at Waffle House for lunch since I was in Zachary.  As long as you are not in any rush whatsoever it's okay to go to Waffle House. You've got to laugh at how poorly managed a Waffle House is. I do believe that corporate should change the way they do things - it's positively nuts there.  Of course if everything were done in proper sequence it would probably work out okay.  There was a new kid on the block and he was horrible - they should have had him doing dishes and cleaning up! Oh well, I sat next to a nice lady and we commiserated with  an older gentleman who expected to get his food on the same day he ordered it! It really was funny. I saw people get their sides of bacon after they had finished their breakfasts! All's well that ends well; I did manage to have my pecan waffle and crisp bacon with out too much of a hassle. Now I won't have to eat dinner!

Just found out today that P&D's Pop's older brother is having having heart issues which put him in the hospital for a couple of days - atrial fibrillation. It seems they now have his blood thinning medicines figured out. Oy vey - this heart stuff is all over the place!

Quote:  The heart never grows better by age; I fear rather worse; always harder. A young liar will be an old one; and a young knave will only be a greater knave as he grows older.   _____Chesterfield

Sunday, July 16, 2017

I am so clever I scare myself . . .

The Crape Myrtles are not very healthy this year.
Since our Connecticut Kiddo will be coming for a visit with his folks and then staying with us for a few days when they leave to go back North I decided I should find a comfortable place for us to play basketball, swim etc in this very hot humid Louisiana Summer. I've decided to take out a membership at a fantastic facility here in DS with an Olympic Pool, first class exercise machines, air-conditioned basketball court and an outdoor walking pool so I've got to talk myself into going to the pool.  I'm not really a good pool person but I do have a bathing suit that actually fits me! The problem is that I only have one prosthesis and it's not a good idea to swim with it in chlorinated water (up North I had an extra prosthesis but I gave it away as I didn't think I'd ever need it again.) Well I've found out that if I use bubble wrap (P&D's Pop's suggestion) I can make a pretty good substitute boob. Now I'll have to see how it all works when I get up the courage to go swimming.  I'm planning to go to North Park Monday to buy a three month membership but one of the ladies told me it takes a few days for them to activate it. Hope I don't lose my nerve!

Spoke with our nephew who lives on Cebu in the Philippines; he's vising his family in Massachusetts. We have an open invitation to visit him on the island.  I'm certain it would be a great visit but I can't picture us ever flying that far.  We struggled with long flight times flying to England! Getting older and more difficult in our dotage!

 Had the best Fireworks display in the entire world yesterday at a three kid birthday party put on by our Big Kiddo and his wife. Wow, I love fireworks and when they go off right smack dab in front of you it's the cat's meow. Time to finish reading today's paper before Grampa grills us some Brats and we watch the NASCAR racing in New Hampshire!

Quote:  The contemplation of night should lead to elevating rather than to depressing ideas.  Who can fix his mind on transitory and earthly things, in presence of those glittering myriads of worlds; and who can dread death or solitude in the midst of this brilliant, animated universe, composed of countless suns and worlds, all full of light and life and motion?  ___Richter

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Passed with flying colors . . .

Yesireebob, I did it again - went to Woman's for the last of the yearly checkups , this one with the gynecologist and he says all is well. Wow, I'm passing all the tests! Since P&D's Pop also went to the VA in Baton Rouge for his yearly checkup and was told to exercise more but that all is also well we went out to The Longhorn for dinner. I swear they have the best Margarita and 6oz Filet Mignon so that's what I had and P&D's Pop had a Burger and a couple of beers. That should last us for a while. I think we're just about out of Doctors' appointments!

It's been much too hot and muggy but we went to South Park this morning and I managed to almost make two laps but Grampa got a bit disgusted landing his planes in the rather longish grass so he picked me up before I completed my regular walk. That was probably a good thing because I was already pretty pooped - I hadn't even made it back to get my camera for my third lap! We were really bad because we stopped at Delicious Donuts on the way back home. They really are the best.

 Not much else going on. Finished my summertime puzzle last night and have already taken it apart and ordered a Springbok Puzzle from Hall Mark for when I decide I need to make another one. I saw some that reminded me of the summers we spent with Ma Tante Rose on the sun porch in Moosup making the hardest 1000 piece puzzles I could find for her July birthday presents. I particularly remember The Marbles. That was miserable but Ma Tante always managed to complete them and it was pleasant to go out with her and the kids and help out. I'm lucky if Grampa puts in 10 pieces! Not complaining, though, because he generally helps when I get ticked off because I can't find the pieces I want and then after he puts in a few I'm all over my pique.

Quote:   A man who gives his children habits of industry provides for them better than by giving them a fortune. _Whately

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Living in the 50's . . .

How can I keep smiling as P&D's Pop and I sit on the back porch in 90 degree temperatures and push you down, burdensome humidity? Well it is so reminiscent of Moosup when we were kids - the music from the radio is exactly what we were listening to back in the 1950's and we went to Friday night dances at the Town Hall. It was at this time I learned to drag race on the streets of Putnam and beat those tough, handsome guys from the Trade School. The '56 Golden Hawk loved speeding down Route 52, which was only a two lane to Norwich, with the PCA girls hanging on for dear life as we were racing at over 100 mph. Holy cow, not sure why I ever worried about our kids growing up doing crazy stuff! I'm quite sure I could still win a few races if P&D's Pop and Big Kiddo were souping up the '56 Hawk.