Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Absolute first . . .

Natural Glitter
I bought a membership in PARDS (Parks and Recreation Denham Springs) and today I signed in and used the Olympic Pool. I've never been in a pool of that size before; it's amazing. The water was a bit too warm for my liking but for $30 a month I have access to the pool, the air conditioned gym, fitness classes and every exercise/weight machine imaginable.  I doubt I'll use anything but the pool but when Kiddo comes for a stay we'll definitely have some stuff to do inside since it'll be hotter than blue blazes (that's really hotter than hell.) I was surprised how tiring it was to try and swim laps. I've never been a good swimmer but I stayed in the water for 45 minutes although I was not extremely active. I'll have to try to go at least twice a week and perhaps get into a swimming class or two so I do swim properly. I was just dubbing around. My strongest stroke is the side stroke and I'm not sure if I do that correctly. I did find that walking in the pool is work! That surprised me. There seems to be tide!

Went to see the eye doctor for a check up on my dry eye and I'm doing great - so another medical AOK. Life is running along at full speed. Since I can't wear the Fitbit in the water I'll probably force myself to also get in some steps on pool days. I stopped and splurged at Waffle House for lunch since I was in Zachary.  As long as you are not in any rush whatsoever it's okay to go to Waffle House. You've got to laugh at how poorly managed a Waffle House is. I do believe that corporate should change the way they do things - it's positively nuts there.  Of course if everything were done in proper sequence it would probably work out okay.  There was a new kid on the block and he was horrible - they should have had him doing dishes and cleaning up! Oh well, I sat next to a nice lady and we commiserated with  an older gentleman who expected to get his food on the same day he ordered it! It really was funny. I saw people get their sides of bacon after they had finished their breakfasts! All's well that ends well; I did manage to have my pecan waffle and crisp bacon with out too much of a hassle. Now I won't have to eat dinner!

Just found out today that P&D's Pop's older brother is having having heart issues which put him in the hospital for a couple of days - atrial fibrillation. It seems they now have his blood thinning medicines figured out. Oy vey - this heart stuff is all over the place!

Quote:  The heart never grows better by age; I fear rather worse; always harder. A young liar will be an old one; and a young knave will only be a greater knave as he grows older.   _____Chesterfield

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