Saturday, July 1, 2017

Living in the 50's . . .

How can I keep smiling as P&D's Pop and I sit on the back porch in 90 degree temperatures and push you down, burdensome humidity? Well it is so reminiscent of Moosup when we were kids - the music from the radio is exactly what we were listening to back in the 1950's and we went to Friday night dances at the Town Hall. It was at this time I learned to drag race on the streets of Putnam and beat those tough, handsome guys from the Trade School. The '56 Golden Hawk loved speeding down Route 52, which was only a two lane to Norwich, with the PCA girls hanging on for dear life as we were racing at over 100 mph. Holy cow, not sure why I ever worried about our kids growing up doing crazy stuff! I'm quite sure I could still win a few races if P&D's Pop and Big Kiddo were souping up the '56 Hawk.

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