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Puppies and Danté's Pop has already scraped off about two inches of snow from in front of the garage. It is about 2:30 pm. The snow started at about 8:15 this morning! But the wind is starting to come up and the snow is coming down faster so we shall see what the Blizzard of 2013 leaves with us. Spent a nice visit with younger sister Wednesday where we splurged and pigged out on a whole (small) cake from the Harvest. It was very good - marble with raspberry on top and fantastic, thick, rich mocha frosting all around. Shocked myself as I ate my half! Couldn't stop eating until the last, tasty bite of frosting disappeared. Very pleasurable and great to share with R. She beat me at cribbage. Must be taking lessons from Cousine S! They're starting to gang up on me.
Seems that Kiddo did quite well in his King Tut presentation but no grade has been sent home. He said that his teacher commented that he was the only one who remembered to speak in the first person! It seems that she asked him "Where did you get your staff?" (I found a neat one at Amazon with a flared cobra head!) He told her, " My father, Amenhotep, gave it to me!" Cool beansies. He has been lax keeping up with his reading but I've been on his case. We'll see how it pans out. Made myself buckle down and finish reading
American Pastoral by Philip Roth. Not good. Not good at all. I read that it was one of The Great American Novels so I decided to buy the Kindle edition. It is not a great novel and the Kindle edition was full of mispellings, lacunae, and odd symbols in place of parts of some words. I've written to Amazon to complain but doubt I'll get a refund. I bought it in November and just got around to reading it. When I finally looked up the reviews on it after I had finished reading I realized the author had written
Portnoy's Complaint which I recall was a blockbuster sex novel some years ago. I'll have to be a better judge of literature than I was for this latest fiasco. I'm going to start reading
The Curse Big-Time Gambling's Seduction of a Small New England Town a novel by Robert H. Steele. He was our Congressman in the early 70's and ran for governor in 1975. In 1971 he took part in the annual VJ Day parade in Moosup and stopped by our house to refresh himself! That's when we were pretty heavily involved in Republican politics. I remember walking the parade route which started at Kaman and went up Main before cutting across to come down Lake Street, then up High Street and down Daggett. I was expecting our first kiddo! Boy did I give out a lot of candy and pot holders!
Quote: If ever this free people__if this government itself is ever utterly demoralized, it will come from this incessant human wriggle and struggle for office, which is but a way to live without work. __Abraham Lincoln