Sunday, May 12, 2013

Breakfast, Float Fly, PC Fix, Roses . . .

Kiddo out climbing.
Used the wrong camera for these photos but they're still okay.
Mother's Day doesn't get better than this. Best waffle ever at the Roadside Diner, going to Thompson Dam for the Yankee Flyers Float Fly, English Kiddo fixed our computer using GoToMyPC and my roses are in the fullness of their ephemeral glory. Yay! And that's the way it is Sunday, May 12, 2013.

Quote:  Observe how soon, and to what a degree, a mother's influence begins to operate!  Her first ministration for her infant is to enter, as it were, the valley of the shadow of death, and win its life at the peril of her own!  How different must an affection thus founded be from all others!    ___Mrs. Sigourney

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