Friday, May 24, 2013

New wedding ring . . .

Dogwood looking down from decoy Bluebird house.
Poor old ring finger is arthritic enough that I had Grader's in Norwich saw off my very thin, worn wedding ban yesterday. The tool Mr. Grader used is neat. It seems to work like a manual can opener; he turned a little handle and the tiny saw blade cut through the ring. He needed to use pliers to separate the ends so the ring could be moved over the swollen knuckle. It didn't break but he couldn't guarantee that, if they fixed it and re-sized the ring, it would last. He suggested I'd be better off with a new one. It would have cost $125 to have the old fixed and the new one cost $225. I love the new ring, a size eight, plain gold band a little thicker than my old one. If my knuckle swells even more Grader's will re-size it for free. I will get some money for the old one but not too much: fourteen carat gold, 0.8g. Might not be worth the gas money to return to Graders to pick up the check! I do like gold. I wish I could indulge myself and buy at least one 24 carat gold coin! I would just put it on the desk and admire it. That's not going to happen until our ship comes in. So it'll be a while.

After getting the new wedding band younger brother and wifey treated me to coffee and conversation at their home:  all flowers and gardens looking fine! Stopped at Hart's in Canterbury to pick up the cemetery pots. I've got some beauties. Last night's rain made them look bedraggled so I've set them under the garage overhang as it is going to rain all day. While dragging them to the garage I noticed that we now have more than one bat living up above my mood swing. Yay! I'm impressed. Still won't take pictures of them because the flash is too bright. They are hanging under the board Puppies and Dante's Pop put up and this time they're all the way to the top so I can't see them with out flash. But their neat little excretions let me know that they are alive and living the good life ! I wonder if a big chemical company would like to buy the guano to help me pay for the new ring?

Quote:  Good nature, like a bee, collects honey from every herb.  Ill nature, like the spider, sucks poison from the sweetest flower. . .   _____H. W. Beecher

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