Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A beautiful day in the neighborhood . . .

Rhubarb shoots - Spring's Delight
Started out grey and gloomy; went to rehab and perked up; stopped by younger brother's for a few minutes but was smoked out!  (he was burning wet Spring lawn rakings!) received another salubrious jar of shag barks and maple syrup (super yay!) shopped for way too much food at Big Y; gassed up the Elantra; put the groceries away with P&D's Pop; snacked together; waited impatiently for the Blood Orange Sogno di Sorrento to arrive by FedEx so we could sign for it; it's a gift for Oneco friends, very hard to find; went off for a nice short haircut; came back and we went out for another snack at the Roadside Diner; raked up the leaves near the garage so the flowers can breathe in this warm, sweet air; put up the garage swing; P&D's Pop left pine needles and twine out for the bluebirds.  Wow - I can't wait to go out after supper and sit on my swing - always puts me in a good mood - no cares, no worries, enjoying life, smiling about the kids all being home last week along with Kiddo . Thank you, Lord.

Quote:  God is a circle whose center is everywhere, and its circumference nowhere.   __Empedocles

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