Monday, April 21, 2014

Le temps est magnifique . . .

The Dewey Oak, Granby, CT
The last few days have been incredibly beautiful. Sunday, Easter, was so nice.  Although we only had our small family together it was just about as fine an Easter as this old house has seen. Kiddo and his brother played basketball after dinner; Mom and Dad relaxed while Grampa and I enjoyed the day.  C, our neighbor, came over after dinner to invite Kiddo to gather eggs on their lawn with the gaggle of children visiting for the holy day and so he and his Mom went to socialize for a while.  His Mom found out that one of the cousins by marriage works at EB in the same building as she.  That was really nice.  She keeps meeting new people and getting more comfortable in her position.

Today was another gorgeous day and so we went together to the flying field where P&D's Pop flew his model while I walked my four circuits of the fields. I've also worked outside clearing the horrible monster weeds that clog the area in front of the southern wall above the garden.  What an unholy mess.  I can only get a little done and that takes me hours!  The weeds are gargantuan and spread on a runner which then stops and makes a tall tough unsightly bushy plant. I'll never get to the end of it.  At least when the urge strikes me to go outside and work I always have something to do.  So I guess it's a good thing to have monster weeds around.

We'll have prime rib on the grill for supper tonight along with turnip, broccoli, mashed potatoes and gravy.  Then I'll make some soup with the broth I cooked up last night.  Puppy from next door has already had one of the tasty bones and has come back for seconds.  He'll get one a day for five days and that's that.  I found a nice photo on line of the Dewey Granby Oak.  Hoping I can get some good shots of it when I visit with younger sister during the coming seasons.

Quote:  Our affections are our life.  ___We live by them; they supply our warmth.   _____Channing

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