Sunday, April 13, 2014

My cup runneth . . .

Here he is. Pretty neat little fellow.
Well Kiddo called me last night and it seems Dr. Dad and Dr. Mom believe he has a badly sprained ankle. So he iced it, kept it elevated, rested and was able to get around, slowly last night. Hope it heals well.

Yesterday P&D's Pop was inside CVS to get a prescription while I waited in the Elantra. As he was returning to the car I heard voices! Yep, Timmy from Alabama and Susan from New Jersey, our niece and nephew, came over to say hello. What a surprise to meet them like that. The circumstances are not the best though. Their Dad's father died so they were spending time with their grandmother and family before the church services. No matter the reason they were here it was swell to get some hearty hugs! And then today at the Children's Mass on Palm Sunday Father asked us to process from the school to the church. I joined in, holding doors and singing too and lo and behold I saw a young man looking at me as he passed through my held door and it was John with our niece Wendy and their son from Virginia. So this was another pleasant happenstance. And . . . on top of all that the bluebird waited for me so I could take some photos earlier this AM. I was working out with the medicine ball near the kitchen window when I saw the little sucker guarding his house. I grabbed the camera and quietly rushed out to the end of the garage in my not-to-be-worn-outside sneakers and got in some pretty good shots without my glasses. Hallelujah!

Will be going to Groton tomorrow as Kiddo is on vacation. Good stuff.

Quote:  There is nothing so elastic as the human mind.  Like imprisoned steam, the more it is pressed the more it rises to resist the pressure.  The more we are obliged to do the more we are able to accomplish.   ___Tryon Edwards

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