Saturday, April 12, 2014

Started out okay but then . . .

Bluebird peeking out as he constructs his nest. (Grampa's photo)
Well Friday ended up being an okay kind of day.  Only one hasty doctor's appointment in New London and the nurses were able to call in a prescription at the Groton CVS since I wasn't going home until late afternoon. Kiddo and I had a good trip home and after supper he played basketball 'til almost dark while I sat in calm repose on my garage swing. Even today started out very well.  Grampa had to go to the Thompson Dam to help with the Yankee Flyers' cleanup day so Kiddo and I went to breakfast at McD's.  It's good to spoil a kid once in a while!

 After an excellent concert ending with All My Loving by the Beatles we went outside and he was racing a remote control car around the driveway as I watched. In a flash somehow as the car veered towards him, he tried to jump out of the way but instead landed on the driveway as the car wiped him off  his feet.  Not good. After letting him rest in the driveway and being pretty sure he hadn't broken anything I helped him up and thought I'd take him to the emergency room.  He couldn't put any weight at all on his left leg.  But he just said, "Let me rest, Memere."  So we hobbled into the house and I called his folks who thought I should just bring him home and they would decide what to do next.  Got him into the car with an ice pack on his left knee and off we went. He couldn't climb the stairs at his house so his Dad carried him up.  Hoping to hear from them soon.  His folks think he just hyper-extended his leg but I'll feel much better if they bring him to the doctor's.  Kiddo doesn't need a bad leg.  He and I were hoping to go to UCONN this week and get some jerseys and t-shirts!

The weather is so beautiful today that I've put most of my plants out on the porch, opened a couple of windows and am barefoot.  So nice . . .

Quote:  One that desires to excel should endeavor it in those things that are in themselves most excellent.  __Epictetus

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