Hunting bugs |
Catbirds crazy about nuts |
I was in Groton Tuesday to pick up Kiddo from school along with his saxophone and then we played outside in the yard for quite a while. Two blond ragamuffin sister,waifs both, a preschooler and a first grader came to hang out. After Kiddo amused them by hiding a ball and they had to find it in the side yard and much crying by the tiny one because she didn't win . . . and Kyle didn't give her enough time . . . and her sister took the ball even though she had seen it first . . . and her sister admitted she did take the ball . . . and I had to warn the little one that if she wasn't hurt she was not allowed to scream like a banshee and if she did she would have to go home; they decided to play scrub. First grader was Scrub 1, preschooler was Scrub 2 and Kiddo, Scrub 3. I was the jack of all trades - pitching, fielding, and trying to keep some order as we only had a home plate of violets and a first base which was the corner of railroad ties used for a raised flower bed. Kiddo tried to help Scrub 1 get into proper batting position by physically helping her from behind to get into the proper stance. She almost fell over onto his back but finally, we proceeded to play and she made it to first base, the only base mind you, after I unintentionally hit her with the wiffle ball. Scrub 2 hit a soft pop up that I missed and ran to first. I yelled at Scrub 1, "Run, run, run . . . go home, go home, go home." She finally took off with the look of absolute fear in her eyes as she headed around the fenced in yard and started to take off for
her home. I almost choked to death trying to stop her and realized that I had to explain why I was yelling at her! She took it all in good grace. Later on during the game when we had Scrub 4, another pretty little blond playing and they decided to have all four bases
and Scrub 1 was on Third I yelled, "Go, go, go . . . go home!" she looked at me dumbfounded before she dared to move, pointed at the squashed violets of home plate and asked if that was where she was supposed to go home. Oh wow, what a time we had. As all of the Scrubs except Scrub 3 were leaving to go home for supper the neighbors kids from next door returned with their Dad and I happily watched as Kiddo taught this dark haired, lovely spitfire 3rd Grade girl how to play basketball. They were doing really well and she was paying attention and getting baskets. Then he got fancy and got a couple of shots in the basket from behind the net. So she, in front of the net, turned her back to it and threw the ball over her head . . . swish! As incredible as it seems she did it twice more and poor Kiddo couldn't keep up. I had to laugh out loud. I'm so glad that the Kiddo is getting old enough to laugh with me . . .
Picked up kid sister yesterday and after lunch with P&D's Pop at the Roadside and spending some time bird watching on the porch glider we went to All Hallows Church so she could see how good the church looks. I must admit that even though I go to Mass almost every week I don't pay attention to the beauty of the stained glass and the other accoutrements of the interior. It was a very nice visit. After that we took a ride around some back roads and came down the Roller Coaster of Route 14A into Plainfield and thence to Hank's for ice cream.
Apres la glace, we went to Preston over the back roads and I dropped her off to spend some good times with kid brother and his wifey. It's amazing what decent weather can do to perk up life in this grand old world.
Quote: If you haven't grace, the Lord can give it to you. -If you haven't learning, I'll help you to get it. -But if you haven't common sense, neither I, nor the Lord can give it to you. __John Brown (of Haddington, to his students)