Sunday, May 11, 2014

It's a beautiful day in May . . .

Happy days are here again! What stunning weather to celebrate Mother's Day. Decided to accompany Grampa to the flying field after early breakfast this morning but when we got there it was too windy for flying so while he scavenged fishing poles, old drills and various other tools I had time to get in a good walk. I was also able to get to 11 o'clock Mass and although it was really long it was pretty sweet and nostalgic for me - 10 little ones were making their First Communion. I will admit I left after an hour and a quarter but it was still nice. Hard to believe that All Hallows is down to only ten children making First Communion. Not sure how Father Damien keeps the parish running so smoothly.

Spoke with the three big kids and all are well and working hard. Had an odd occurrence yesterday when Fed X delivered two boxes addressed to moi. They were both from Shari's Berries but when I opened the first box of 12 chocolate covered strawberries the note within was from Tom, Sherri, & Zeke. We don't know these kind people! The second box was definitely from our oldest Kiddo and his wife. Grampa called Shari's Berries and explained the situation and they told him to keep the berries but they couldn't do anything about the poor lady who didn't get her box from Tom, Sherri, & Zeke! So he looked up the lady's number on line, she's from Naugatuck, and called her. He left a message explaining that if she knew Tom et al she should call them to tell them about her misplaced berries and then he wished her a Happy Mother's Day! I've shared the berries with the kids next door because two dozen is a lot to eat in 48 hours!

We just took a nice ride in the 37 Ford. It's running as smooth as ever. We also found out that Kiddo had a great time this morning riding his Dad's old mini-bike! That is so cool. I'll bet he's as proud as a peacock but I told the middle child I wouldn't let him ride it when I'm in charge at their house! She agreed that would not be a good idea. It's so hard to accept the fact that he's growing up so fast. His Mom remembers that the first time she rode a mini-bike here at home she went right into a wall. It's a good thing I don't remember all that stuff! Oh yes, and another thing - the bat is back in his bat house. Yay!

Quote:  How far that little candle throws his beams!  so shines a good deed in a naughty world.   ___Shakespeare

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