Saturday, May 17, 2014

Time just goes flying by . . .

This is the one I was looking for.
Not the photo I was looking for!
Wow, can't believe that we're already halfway through May. It's incredibly beautiful outside today.  I went for a walk through Moosup and all the flowers and trees are screaming SPRING! The mowers are working overtime; the pollen is covering everything; the sneezes are not benign; the asparagus has to be picked every other day; the birds are raising their young; I'm trying to get some good photos but I rarely have the camera ready when the birds are ready to hang out in the yard.  This morning I saw an Indigo Bunting drinking out of the watering hole made by the hollowed out Tamarack stump.  I tip toed into Kiddo's room for the camera but of course Monsieur was already gone. Damnation.  I really wanted that photo.  I have been sitting out side for quite a while and all I came up with is a Blue jay and many photos of a male Grosbeak of whom I already have good photos.  I do have the tripod set up but sometimes I'm not sure where to put it and the birds come where I'm not!  Still, it's fun and I think I'll grab me some Sogno di Sorrento Orange Crema before I go back out.  That'll help relax me while I wait!

Kiddo had the best saxophone practice today.  Utterly surprised me.  He is getting ready for their Spring Concert so I'm not sure if that is what is urging him to play well.  In any case I really enjoyed it.  Then he and Grampa had some batting practice.  He broke the wood bat!  Pretty nifty. We also spent last evening at the Connecticut Sun's season opener.  It was not a pretty sight but we still enjoyed ourselves.  He said he would gladly go again.  So I was pretty happy with that outcome.  He followed all the plays, booed the refs when necessary and had lots of comments about how the women should have been playing! We had dinner with our friend Tea at Michael Jordan's, not the fancy place, the other place! It was all good. Tomorrow Grampa and I will be going to Wrentham for a flying contest.  It looks like the weather will be perfect.

Quote:  Too many wish to be happy before becoming wise.  ___Mme Necker


NATALIE said...

INDIGO BUNTING , I am envious. I saw one once ,here where we live years ago.

Qu'que chose said...

I know. It's almost infuriating because you know that they're out there and you're not there at the right time!