Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ah, parting is such sweet sorrow . . .

This older P&D's Pop photo helps to keep life in perspective. It really is a grand if challenging world in the good old US of A.
And so it came to pass that the quaint Diner era has come to an ignominious end. What seemed like a real, honest new owner cum chef cum family walked out after six hours on the job. The whole family called it quits after some supposed legal problems and, bien sur, some words of discouragement from the almost past owners. Quite a feat - the Diner lasted about two and half years. We are thankful for little things when we must contend with Connecticut in all its foolishness - this is just another seemingly asinine act on the part of another asshole or more likely assholes. Connecticut seems to have more than its share of idiots. Do you suppose our wretched, no class prez was actually born in Connecticut? It certainly seems feasible. Even the earth is quaking in protest.

PS  The thesaurus says there is no other entry for asshole. So I shall go with this word because slug of the earth just doesn't seem fair to slugs.

Quote:  I do not know what comfort other people find in considering the weakness of great men, but 'tis always a mortification to me to observe that there is no perfection in humanity.   ___S. Montague

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