Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Nice getting outside . . .

Porch roof
We've been inside a lot the last couple of days. Well, at least I have been inside while P&D's Pop has worked very hard getting the yard cleaned up after what I shall refer to as our mini-blizzard. We ended up with about two feet of snow and some really, really monster drifts. The snow on the porch roof is about half way up the windows! But I can still take photos from senior Kiddo's old room. I don't think I'll take any photos today even though the sun is out bright and the sky is a cloudless, serene blue. I decided to walk in the yard for my half hour exercise today. I just circled the driveway down to the basement and back. If felt good and refreshing to be out. I kept the porch swept and the birds fed during the storm and today I cleaned off the Dodge Ram. That was a chore! But compared to Grampa I really had it easy. Since we were inside most of the time yesterday I made bread and today I made some no bake Peanut Butter, Chocolate and Oatmeal cookies. Good stuff!

When we were in Rhode Island last week we got gas for $1.99. I bet it's lower than that this week. Of course we don't see decent gas prices in our neck of the woods. Was also impressed with the skating rink in Sterling. There was a mémé and two little kiddos holding on to her for dear life as they tried to skate. It was great. Haven't seen anyone skating around here in ages. Of course the two feet of snow we just received from on high may put a crimp on the skating unless some hardy young souls get their shovels out and clean off the rink across from what used to be St. Joseph's Church.

Oh, oh, I feel a picture taking mood coming on strong. Where the heck is my will power?

Quote:  Nature is a frugal mother, and never gives without measure.  When she has work to do, she qualifies men for that and sends them equipped.    ___Emerson (Really, Ralph?)

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