Monday, January 5, 2015

Good thing the windows are closed . . .

The ripping apart of Kaman has begun in earnest and the noise is pretty gd loud. It'll make for an interesting 10 years. Yep, it seems the town has given the rubble rousers ten years to turn the land across the river into a pristine park. So, I guess it's a good thing my hearing is not so good! The experiment with P&D's Pop old hearing aids fizzled. They just made everything so loud that I looked like a Mexican jumping bean.

Starting out 2015 with a visit to PT in Norwich. I do believe that'll  be it for fixing up the sciatica. I can pretty much keep it at bay at will so that's pretty good. But the right arm is literally getting to be a pain in the neck. Not sure how I'll handle that except to try not to use it and just rest it as much as possible. Problem is that when it feels good I forget about it and go and do something that re-activates the pain and that is most annoying. This growing older is not for the faint of heart. Gotta be a tough old bird!

Younger sister just called.  Haven't seen her in a few weeks because the holidays and weather haven't been cooperative. We'll see if I can get there this week. We're supposed to have some snow tomorrow but Wednesday is just going to be frigid. We have no snow left from our Saturday storm but East Granby still has a snowy ground cover. We'll have to see what the Tuesday storm leaves behind. I don't drive in bad weather. Don't like it at all. Getting cautious in my dotage.

P&D's Pop is on his way to school. I'm trying to talk him into having his hands looked at by the VA. He's having a lot of trouble using them without pain. He never complains like I do about pain but I can see it in his face and the number of ibuprofen he consumes. Always takes me a long time to get him to do something about his aches and pains; stubborn old Yankee codger.

Quote:  The multitude unawed is insolent; once seized with fear, contemptible and vain.   ____Mallet

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