Thursday, January 15, 2015

What the heck . . .

Karen's photos from our excursions to Slater Museum at NFA
Listen to the news and ruin a very good day. So . . . Mr. Pope, yeah, the guy in Rome, is as flippant as Mr. Obama. Gees, does no one of consequence do and say the right thing anymore? I don't care what you call it but if any group of people go about purposefully killing others it is murder. Therefore it be hooves society to act quickly and ruthlessly to root out the murderers. Western society has the means at its disposal to wipe out the Islam that is succeeding in setting up its Caliphate but we do not have the will to do it because we are unsure of our own position vis a vis Islamic jihad. Woe be to the West as we allow murder in the name of cultural, barbaric nihilism to reign the world over. Be ready to fight the disastrous evil sayers and doers in your midst. Even if they are not holding a sword to your throat their words are potent and the fear they engender is palpable. Western leaders are a powerless lot of talkers with no clear goals or direction. Not sure what we can expect to happen next when we can't trust our 'democratic' governments to protect us from evil.

Well now . . . I spent  a pleasant day with Karen at the Slater Museum in Norwich. It's good that the museum is small because my poor brain goes on overload with so much beauty and interesting art and stories. We will return again so I have more time to absorb what the museum offers. Got caught up in the Greek and Roman statues and was trying to remember the history and mythology going along with Sophocles, Plato, Heracles, Nike of Samothrace. . . My head started to hurt! Just the exhibit dedicated to the Slaters was overwhelming never mind the Crocker exhibit. And . . . that does not include the modern exhibit of prints. Definitely good for your soul.  We stopped for a late lunch in Taftville at the Bakery. It is located in the building where I worked my first summer job over fifty-six years ago. The bakery is beautiful; seems like a daft word for a bakery but the cases of sweets and breads are colorful and gorgeous. We shared an excellent chicken sandwich, soup and coffee before leaving with two boxes of desserts.

Expect to see Kiddo at school tomorrow. Haven't been on lunch duty since early December. Hope I remember what my chores are! Perhaps he will bring a board game home with him and I can try to win at the Game of Life. Also had a real treat this morning as I was eating breakfast.  A sleek red fox ambled up the driveway, walked behind the garage and crossed the top of the hill. That was great.  I also saw a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and a Red-bellied Woodpecker at the suet feeders. Didn't take the time to get the camera because I would have missed it all!

Quote:  Fain would I Raphael's god-like art rehearse, where, from the mingled strength of shade and light, a new creation rises to my sight; such heavenly figures from his pencil flow, so warm with life his blended colors glow.  __Addison

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