Saturday, June 5, 2021

Libellule at breakfast plus a loss . . .

Dragonfly breakfast


We are disappointed that the Killdeer eggs have disappeared from under the Magnolia. It seems that PD&C's Pop was wakened by a commotion outside the bedroom window at about 4:30 am a couple of nights ago. There was an owl hooting right close to the house. Well, yesterday I tried to see if one of the Killdeer was sitting on their eggs; to my chagrin there were no Killdeer to be found and the eggs were gone. There were no signs of the eggs at all, only a depression. We're not sure if owls eat another bird's eggs but I imagine it must be a distinct possibility; it could also have been a snake or a raccoon having an early morning snack. We are a bit miffed. We were looking forward to watching the little tykes hatch and take off  for their adventures. But Mother Nature has a way of keeping the world in balance so there's no use in complaining. What ever got the eggs probably needed sustenance and in the grand scheme it most likely all worked out  well. We were cheated out of a nice little display, that is all.

I have never caught a Dragonfly eating breakfast before! I didn't realize what I was seeing until I focused in on the pretty, green Libellule and saw something red in its maw. I decided to try to video what was happening. It didn't take long for the pretty little red beastie to disappear. 

Did my Saturday morning washes and cleaning so now it's time to relax and read to my hearts content - it is another rainy day in the South.

Quote:  True delicacy, that most beautiful heart-leaf of humanity, exhibits itself most significantly in little things.  ___Mary Howitt

Quote:  Blush - The ambiguous livery worn alike by modesty and shame.  __Balfour

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