Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pleasant Sunday Surprise

Walking in Ketchikan.

Went to Mass this morning not expecting anything different. But . . . at the end of Mass the choir, with one young lady singing the introduction a cappella, sang the most moving rendition of God Bless America. It was overwhelming. So moved were the people in church that no one left and no one was able to give voice to join in. Many just stayed for a while to get their composure back. Eight years ago they just sang Let there be peace on earth. I walked out because I was so distraught that the church seemed to be blaming us for 9/11. There was nothing patriotic in the sermon or the prayers or the songs back then. Maybe these Polish priests have a pretty good idea of what's right! We used to have American priests.

Threw a few horseshoes, read the New London Day and worked on the sky in my puzzle. Productive day! Puppy's Pop even got the air conditioners stowed!

Quote: Let our object be our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country. And, by the blessing of God, may that country itself become a vast and splendid monument, not of oppression and terror, but of wisdom, of peace, and of liberty, upon which the world may gaze with admiration forever. ---Daniel Webster

1 comment:

2Evil4U said...

Sounds like a nice day. Check my Blog for my accomplishment this morning.