Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Good visit; good people . . .

I had to order some new Bakugan ( little, strange balls that transform into characters from Vestroia) because Kiddo has newer Bakugan than I and he always has more G power than I do and beats the heck out of me! With his help, naturellement, I ordered three on line. Two of them came in early so I called him last night and he guessed why I had called. So I have a request to bring them to his house tomorrow. What a shock he's going to have! My little Wavern has more G power than his Double Hydranoid! Hip! Hip! Not sure why I do enjoy his game so much. The little balls are really quite intricate and he often has to show me how to close them. We also have to do a lot of addition to see who the winner of a match will be. In any case we have a lot of fun and he puts up with my complete lack of how to play the formal game. He laughs when I make up things to say as I try to beat him. He knows all the formulaic chatter and body motions. I just do a lot of goofy stuff!

Got a chance to see older brother, his wife and eldest daughter yesterday. It was a very good day. I toured their beautiful grounds and after lunch, topped off with the best home made lemon meringue pie and great conversation, D drove C and I to see the terrible tornado damage in Southbridge and Sturbridge. It is absolutely astonishing to see huge old trees completely uprooted and others just twisted into sticks. Somehow the people in the homes were miraculously not hurt although many of their homes were greatly damaged. D said that it was a small tornado. That has to be a terrifying experience. We were able to drive up a very high hill and look down on the destruction. What an awesome force is nature. Man is so puny in his limited role on this earth. You can not control the forces of nature. It makes me philosophize. There is no evil on this planet per se. Without man and civilization there can be no evil just nature unfolding as it must. The evil we do have is in man. I guess we are angels and devils all in one. It's tough trying to be angels all the time! But the angels were out working hard to clean up the devastated parts of Massachusetts.

Quote: The laws of nature are just, but terrible. There is no weak mercy in them. Cause and consequence are inseparable and inevitable. The elements have no forbearance. The fire burns, the water drowns, the air consumes, the earth buries. And perhaps it would be well for our race if the punishment of crimes against the laws of man were as inevitable as the punishment of crimes against the laws of nature, ---were man as unerring in his judgements as nature. __Longfellow

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