The Spring that never was is turning into the Summer that never shall be! Fifty five degrees at nine in the morning is strange and hard to bear! I did ask for rain for the garden but we've been inundated! Hope it doesn't float off to Hoyt's and down the bank into the river! Started yesterday with an early trip to Groton and the dentist's. I flossed the temporary bridge right out of my mouth! So Grampa dropped me off at the office and then brought Kiddo home earlier than usual. Getting just a tad sick of these extra dental trips. We've almost got all the work I need complete then perhaps I can go back to twice yearly visits! Later in the day I plodded my way to Putnam for a fund raising concert for Les Filles du Saint Esprit at good old PCA. Our old high school is now a home for retired nuns and they always need funds to keep up the old building. Josée Vachon, a French Canadian chanteuse, was the main attraction along with a chicken barbecue put on by the Knights of Columbus. Older brother and his wife met me there and enjoyed the music and company. My friend S from Killingly High, president of the local L'Union St. Jean Baptiste, was helping out so I didn't get a chance to talk with her much but I did meet her son who just graduated from UCONN with his Doctorate in Physical Therapy! What a great accomplishment! He's only 30 years old and has finished his military service as a German interpreter in Iraq. Seems odd but I guess multinational forces really are a tiny part multinational! Who'd a thunk it? The concert was held indoors because the weather was abominable. So I sat in the gym where I used to play basketball umpteen years ago (the guards couldn't cross the center line and the referee's rosary beads used to rattle around as she worked the sidelines.) Did manage to see some of our classrooms which are now dining rooms and living rooms for the nuns. The place is immaculate, no pun intended, and in better shape than it was 50 years ago! Neat concept, turning school into retirement home! (Someone, please get it!) And speaking of getting it, we took a walk after dinner in the pavilion (where the tennis courts used to be) to the grotto. I saw a small covered four wheel vehicle of some sort as we approached and I said " Please don't tell me that someone was cured and left their wheel chair here!" On closer inspection it proved to be a water hose caddy. I seem to be getting worse as I age! I thought big brother would choke. Was really pleased to meet Miss F who taught Kindergarten at All Hallows. She looks wonderful and asked about the kids. Also met Jackie and Peggy, friends from childhood days who still live in the old neighborhood. Hoping to bring Peggy, who spends part of the year in Florida, to see my younger sister sometime this summer. What a treat that will be. Pretty scatterd thoughts but that's it for today.
Quote: We love music for the buried hopes, the garnered memories, the tender feelings it can summon at a touch. __L.E. Landon
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