Friday, October 14, 2016

Different start this morning . . .

Fall colors
Immediately after breakfast P&D's Pop and I went for a walk right here in the neighborhood because he was going to the Bayou Park in Zachary today rather than South Park and I was not going with him as he is helping to get set up for the Control Line Flying Contest which starts tomorrow morning.  It's a good day but usually too sunny for me so I'll go after noon to see how he's making out. Even when we go to Eldorado, Arkansas I stay under the shelter and read or take time to walk wherever I can find some shade. I made over four dozen cookies yesterday and I'll make over four dozen today too. That should help out a bit with dessert. I think they usually have a pot of gumbo or jambalaya for lunch so they will not go hungry!

I just returned from Walker and a visit to Stine's where I bought one pumpkin and two small mums to make the yard look a little like Fall. Before I did that I had to drive by Waffle House and the Hyundai just automatically drove in and parked so I figured it must be time for cheesy eggs, crisp bacon and raisin toast for lunch. A lady came in and asked if it was okay if she sat next to me at the counter; of course I welcomed her. Katherine was taking a break from painting the new interior walls in her Walker home. She, her husband and three grandkids she was babysitting walked away from their home in waist deep water during the August flood. She said she poured her coffee that morning and when she turned around to sit and drink it at the table there were already 3 inches of water marked on the croquet pole and it just kept growing. They didn't have time to do anything but walk out the door in waist deep water; their cars were already flooded. They were picked up by the Cajun Navy. She worked the rest of the time helping dispatch the men and the boats. I'm sure that most f the people I meet here have hair raising stories to tell. Katherine is just so thankful that her family has survived. She and her husband are living with her daughter's family and she's trying to get their house back in shape to move back in. Her husband only has one day off a week and she said she was exhausted because they stayed up until 1am just to have  time together before they got up at 3:30 so he could go to work and she could go back to painting their new walls. I bought her breakfast because she's a woman after my own heart - pecan waffle, crisp bacon and coffee! What's not to like.

Time to make some more chocolate chip and pecan cookies.  Oh yes, I managed to get my Fitbit working! Super happy with myself although I feel pretty foolish because I had to ask English living daughter how to find my hotmail email. I had used it to sign up for the Fitbit and hotmail has gone through all sorts of shake ups so it wasn't at the bookmark I had originally set. All I had to do was go to and since I knew my security code I was all set! Thank goodness for Big Kiddos.

Quote:  Forgive thyself little, and others much.   ___Leighton

1 comment: said...

Do you really find fitbit helpful? I have been wondering if it is worth the investment??