Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Unhappy me . . .

Moi, oui je suis fâchée. Yes I'm ticked. Went for my six month check up with the cardiologist and the good news is my blood work is great but he's not happy with my blood pressure. Seems it's too low and so he's changing the half a benicar to half a losartan potassium. I'm not fond of new crap added to my other crap but I guess I'll play along as I don't have any reasonable reason not to. I had told his nurse over a month ago that I thought my blood pressure was too low but she assured me when she called me back that he wanted it low. Now, not so much. I had a particularly bad bout with an aura Sunday evening and although it was gone after about 20 minutes it left my brain fried for about 3/4 of an hour. That scares the hell out of me because I know I'm not thinking well but I can't get a hold of my brain and make it get back on track. It does get back but the process is slow and leaves me pooped. Dr. Deepak thinks it's being caused by a drop in blood pressure and wants me to immediately take my blood pressure while it's happening. Right. Good luck with that working out since I don't know when it will happen; it even occurs when I'm driving and seems to like bright lights any time any place any where. He said then I must at least get my pulse rate - stop, pull over or stop shopping and get a pulse rate. So the best I can figure to do is dig out my heart rate watch that I used to use to work out after the first little set back a few years ago. That will show my pulse rate so I guess it wouldn't hurt to wear it or leave it in the car just in case. Don't even know if I remember how to work it! Oh well, he's got me set up for tests and such. I am grateful even if I am peevish. I would like these auras to stop now. And if Dr. Deepak has the key I'm going to follow him blindly.

Okay, feel better now that I've got that out of my system! After the doctor's visit I stopped at Waffle House in Zachary for my usual pecan waffle, crisp bacon and coffee. That was my lunch but a good lunch it was. One of the old faithful waitresses came over to speak with me and I told her I'd be visiting a few more times in October so she was glad about that - not the medical circumstances but the visiting! The weather has been pretty glorious but I think the lawn could use some rain. Can you believe that after all the flooding the grass is drying up a bit.

Well, I'm done yammering for today. I'm tired and plan to get in some porch swing time.

Quote:  Medicine has been defined to be the art or science of amusing a sick man with frivolous speculations about his disorder, and of tampering ingeniously, till nature either kills or cures him.   _____Jeffrey

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