Sunday, July 19, 2009

Willaby, Wallaby, Woo!

Yup! Another song! It's got to be that Zoo thing and kid stuff! I love it! Well yesterday finally turned out pretty good. The horrible hot, humid start was killing me but Grampa took me out for a ride and we ended up at the Turkey Farm on Ekonk Hill. He had a fresh turkey sandwich, go figure! and I had fresh raspberry pie and vanilla ice cream. We played horseshoes when we got home and after half an hour I got my only ringer! Now that was stupendous! I'm not kidding. It almost made my day. What did make my day is that Puppy's Pop and I put in the air conditioners and it only cost me a week's worth of doing the supper dishes. How much more better can it get?

1 comment:

2Evil4U said...

Actually cooled down here. Only got up to 90 today.